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Jana Mackey


Young social activist and feminist, Jana Lynne Mackey, was taken from this world before her noble and inspiring work was completed. She dedicated her short life to pursuing social justice and equality for all.

Jana was locally and
nationally known for her advocacy for women’s rights.  This 25 year old KU law student had worked on several state and national political campaigns, served three years as one of the youngest lobbyists at the Kansas State Capitol for the National Organization for Women and the Kansas Equality Coalition, and she had volunteered endless hours caring for sexual assault and domestic violence victims. 

One dear friend said when describing Jana, “Never was there a more caring, more compassionate, more brilliant woman with each of these qualities and more wrapped into the heart of one activist.”  Jana Mackey represented all that is good in this world.

To learn more about Jana, please see the links below:

Jana's Story Tributes

Other Jana Sites and Links

Lance Stafford

Award-winning singer and songwriter Lance Stafford has written and recorded a song in honor of Jana and her legacy.

"Jana's Light Will Shine"

Click here to listen

Darrell Hamlin is collaborating with Christie and Curt Brungardt to write a manuscript about Jana’s life and her legacy.

Share your stories about Jana or how her legacy has moved you.

Darrell Hamlin

Jana Mackey Series








A New Legacy Dawns

Thanks to the energy, passion, and the spirit of one young activist, others are now answering the call to serve.  Eleven Hundred Torches encourages hundreds of ordinary citizens to serve others.  Inspired by the life of advocate and activist Jana Mackey, and motivated into action by her death, this national campaign has been created to inspire others to make a difference. 

Jana Mackey served as an advocate and a devoted civic servant.  She worked tirelessly to promote the rights of women, victims of violence, and the voices of many often unheard and underrepresented.  A victim of an unjust crime, she was taken before her time.  We can never replace Jana, but we can help her service live on through others. 

On July 9th, 2008, speakers at “Jana’s celebration of life” service called on the 1100 people in attendance to pick up her fallen torch and find the courage to carry her work forward.  It is our hope that her single torch will soon become eleven hundred torches.  Eleven hundred others making a difference in our world.

Jana’s legacy can live on with your help.  We ask you to get involved and find a place to serve.  Please click on the links below to see how others have joined our movement:


Latest News
Anne Munch
Anne Munch will be this years Jana Mackey Distinguished Lecture Series Speaker

Anne Munch is an attorney from Colorado with twenty two years of experience as a career prosecutor and advocate for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. As a subject matter expert for the United States Air Force, the United States Army and the United States Navy, Anne has worked extensively on the development of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response programs in the military.
Jana's Campaign
Motivated by the 1100 Torches Campaign, family and friends have created an advocacy group for the purpose of reducing domestic violence. Currently this group is promoting new legislation in the states of Kansas and Texas.
Jerry Moran
Congressman Jerry Moran gives speech about 1100 Torches on the floor of the House.

For the second time, Kansas Congressman Jerry Moran has gone to the floor of the House of Representatives to talk about Jana and Domestic Violence. On October 20, 2009 he spoke about the success of the 1100 Torches Campaign. - SEE VIDEO

The Eleven Hundred Torches campaign team is happy to announce that on October 12, 2009, we have reached our initial goal of documenting 1100 stories of community service in honor of Jana. Thirty members of the Trinity Lutheran Church put us over the top. Thanks to everyone who has helped our campaign from 19 states and 3 foreign countries. More information about our next phase will be coming soon. Keep the torches coming.

“Jana was strongly committed to social justice, and in her memory, we hope to
inspire others to share her cause and make a difference.”

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